Write for Us


Articles submitted should be exclusive to Pharma Mirror and are subject to peer and editorial review. Accepted manuscripts will be edited to meet style and space requirements.

All article proposals/outlines, manuscripts, and other materials should be emailed to editor@pharmamirror.com.

Press Release or other news items

Have a press release to submit to us? News about an upcoming event? What information do you like to share with the pharmacy community?  You may submit a press release to Pharma Mirror via email to editor@pharmamirror.com.

Your press release should be submitted approximately one to two days before the event. Please ensure your information is accurate and include at least one contact name and phone number.

Becoming a Freelance Writer/ Post as a Guest

Write for Pharma Mirror Magazine as a guest. Please send an email to media@pharmamirror.com with your ideas and proposal. Backlinking opportunities are also available. You should go for a sponsored article if it is for promotional purposes. Only a long, informative, research-driven article that adds true value to the website is free to publish.

Sponsored Articles/ Story

Sponsor an article that already exists in Pharma Mirror Magazine or submit a story that tells about your company or products. This is very effective for your brand popularity, try it.

Refund Policy: No direct refund but exchange (next article free) is guaranteed.

Common Interest Items

You could submit pharma cartoons, jokes, internet memes, and infographics to publish. If there is a subject you’d like us to cover, please email at editor@pharmamirror.com.