Important Drug Discoveries in Medicine: Infographic

May 19, 2015
1 min read

Developments in the world of medicine through the annals of time make very interesting reading mainly due to the startling impact that they have had on the world. Without this medical research and discovery, the world is likely to have been a very different place. While medicine is constantly evolving and still today we search for treatments and even cures for some illnesses, the advances made even in early years is astounding.

Many medical practitioners and scientists dedicated their whole existence to the research of treatments to improve patient care. Documented and rigorous testing ensued to finalize these developments. Today, we live in a world that probably takes the likes of aspirin for granted but without it many people would have to continue on dealing with peripheral pain. Instead, any adult can go into our nearest drugstore or pharmacy and buy some aspirin at ease over the counter at a price that is very affordable.

The drug industry is a complex one where there is a lot of money directed to research in the hope of finding new medicines to bring to market. The amount of investment doesn’t necessarily correlate with success, with many drugs failing to reach the market even after the investment of millions of dollars. However, once a drug is approved by the various authorities and makes it to the market, the rewards in terms of ROI for the pharmaceutical companies can be hugely lucrative.

This info-graphic from Study Medicine charts the history of some of the main drug discoveries and gives details on who completed the main research and when throughout history. It is interspersed with some expert comment on the impact that particular drug has had on the world of patient care and also charts some interesting facts about the worldwide drug industry.


Infographic: Important Drug Discoveries in Medicine

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