6 Simple Tips That Help You Sleep Like A Baby

November 22, 2019
3 mins read

A lot of people in this world have problems getting a good night’s sleep. Whether it is due to the stresses of the day, having too much caffeine before bed or another factor, bad sleep can take a toll on your body. It has an impact on your mood, your ability to concentrate and your health. If you’re looking for ways to sleep better, read the sleep tips below.

1. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

It’s a good idea to go to bed and get up at the same time—even on the weekends. It’s hard for your body to adjust to a variable sleep schedule, and this could be why you are having a hard time getting rest. When you stick to a routine, you give your body the chance to adjust, and this may improve your sleep.

The average adult needs between 6 and 8 hours of sleep each night. Getting more or less can have a negative impact. Thus, to sleep better, make sure you set aside no more than 8 hours each night. That means that if you look forward to sleeping in on the weekend, this could be harming your sleep schedule.

2. Pay Attention to Your Mattress

It is undeniable that your mattress plays a huge role in how well you sleep at night. You aren’t getting enough quality sleep if you wake up with aches, pain, and feel unrested.

While choosing the perfect mattress might seems overwhelming, equip yourself with a mattress buying checklist may be the answer to the question. It always worth it to take the time to find the right mattress that helps you to sleep comfortably without turning and tossing. If your budget does not allow you to buy a new mattress at the moment, consider investing in good mattress toppers or a high-quality pillow could also do the trick.

3. Maintain a Comfy Temperature

Do you need warmth to start relaxing and eventually go to sleep? Or, are you among those who need to feel a bit chilly before finally beginning to doze off?

Depending on your preference, you can try opening the window or closing it to achieve the right temperature. Likewise, switching the AC on or off could help. Some use chilling devices for their pillows, while others use heat blankets to warm their beds.

Ideally, your room’s temperature should be in the range of 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. When you’re in bed trying to snooze, the temperature of your body decreases and the suggested range above can help facilitate sleep.

4. Expose to Daylight

You have a natural time-keeping clock in your body called your circadian rhythm. It works by telling the hormones in your body and brain when you need to be awake and when you need to be asleep. The sun has a huge impact on your circadian rhythm and your sleep stages distribution. Thus, when the sun rises, this is an indicator that it is time to be awake. When it sets, it lets your body know it’s time to wind down and go to sleep.

If you want to get better sleep at night, then you need to expose yourself to sunlight or bright lights throughout the day. Step outside when you have the chance. If you don’t have the ability to get into the sun, then getting bright lightbulbs or doing light exposure therapy may be just what you need to sleep better at night.

5. Say No to Your Mobile Phone Before Bed

Your mobile phone is equipped with something called blue light. It mimics sunlight, and if you are looking at your phone or other mobile devices right before bed, this could be impacting your circadian rhythm. When that happens, you may find it difficult to fall asleep and then stay asleep.

To ensure that you get the best sleep possible, avoid looking at your phone or other devices right before bed—this includes falling asleep with the TV on. Instead, try reading a book, listening to soothing music or meditating. All of these can help you relax and ready your body for a good night’s rest.

6. Avoid Day Naps

If you’re one of the many who enjoys taking naps on the weekend, you may be doing more harm than good. If you are resting in the middle of the day for more than 30 minutes, this could be the reason why you can’t get to sleep at night. Sleeping during the daytime has an impact on your circadian rhythm. If you want to sleep well throughout the night, avoid taking long naps during the day.

Your body needs sleep to be able to function. It keeps your mind sharp and focused and increases your energy. If you find that you are struggling to sleep well at night, then you might need to follow some of the sleep tips listed above. They are a small price to pay for a great night of rest.

Author BIO: Chris Nguyen is the Founder & Chief Editor at Sleep Standards – A health blog that provides research-based sleep health advice, actionable sleep tips, and unbiased sleep product reviews. He aims to inspire better sleep and make the world of sleep easy to understand for everyday people.

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