Can America’s Obesity Epidemic Be Reversed?

December 6, 2018
2 mins read

Obesity in the United States is a major issue that cannot be ignored. Shockingly, 7 out of 10 adults in the USA are overweight, and about 1 in 3 are obese. These numbers are surprisingly high, and the statistics shown are scary. Why are the numbers so high, and what does this mean for future generations?

7 out of 10 adults in the USA are overweight

While there is a way to fight this epidemic, it seems that obesity rates are only going up. How do individuals take the reins into their own hands to prevent themselves from becoming a statistic? How do they fight off possible health conditions including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypothyroidism, among others?

There are so many questions to be asked when it comes to America’s problem with obesity. Instead, let’s look at the cause and ways to combat this problem.

The Cause of Obesity

Food choices have changed significantly since the 1970s. There has been a tremendous growth of fast food restaurants leading to fewer families cooking at home. There is no direct cause of obesity, however, here are some factors that contribute to this epidemic:

  • Stress from the workplace
  • Food advertising
  • Tradition of “holiday overindulgence”
  • Easy access to junk food and sugary treats
  • Fast food is cheap, quick, and tastes good

Another important factor to consider is that American society is designed around long hour work days and productivity meaning that in many cases individuals don’t have the time to cook their meals and instead are eating out daily.

Other contributors to obesity are stress and lack of sleep. A good start to combatting obesity would be in schools. Students should be receiving information on good eating habits and ways to control stress.

How To Combat Obesity

Individuals who are overweight need to change their habits before they become part of the “clinically obese” statistics. It’s time for Americans to get this problem under control. Simple steps can be taken, like not eating out as much and instead of cooking your own meals.

How about going for a walk with your children or participating in a friendly game of volleyball with your family? There are many ways you can overcome obesity, but the first step begins with deciding to make some changes.

Because there are no shortcuts to obtaining a healthy weight, you need to make two major lifestyle changes: eat healthily and exercise regularly. Your weight depends heavily on your body’s metabolism, or its ability to convert food into energy. Diets that focus on metabolic weight loss do two things:

  1. Changes and enhances metabolism
  2. Teaches individuals how to buy the right food and prepare it properly

Making your metabolism more efficient is something that anyone can do and is a great first step to losing weight. Instead of wasting your time on fad diets or your money on “miracle pills” try shedding those extra pounds the natural way. It is then that you’ll see consistent results that last.

Why Do So Many People Give Up?

Weight regain is so common among individuals when following structured diets. This can be extremely frustrating for people, especially if they are exercising and not seeing results. They key is to remain consistent and not stress out about the numbers on the scale.

Reaching your ideal weight and maintaining it for the rest of your life can be difficult at first. However, just like everything else, it becomes a habit. While this is a simple process, it is not easy! America needs to create a system that views obesity as a top priority otherwise it’s only going to continue to get bigger.

If we are ever going to reverse the obesity epidemic in the USA, we need to begin with willpower and motivation from the individual. We need to become an advocate to others for a healthier way of life. Doing this will ensure a healthier future for our children and family.


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