Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)

March 23, 2013
3 mins read

Education is the backbone of a nation. Educational institutes are called the nation-building workshop. A number of universities are there in Bangladesh. Noakhali Science & Technology University (NSTU) is one of them and one of the best public universities by virtue of its subjects. The site of the university is, in fact, a pollution free area of Noakhali. The natural beauty around the university is appreciable in comparison with other universities. The atmosphere of the university campus is very much convenient and favorable for study.

The university was established on March 24, 2005, and started its academic activities on June 22, 2006. NSTU actually belongs to five subjects of pure science which may contribute to the country and nation as well as the whole world. The subjects are Pharmacy, Computer Science & Telecommunication Engineering (CSTE), Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering (ACCE), Microbiology, and Fisheries & Marine Science (FIMS).

Library of NSTU is well furnished containing about 3500 books and around 500 local and foreign journals. The most important feature of this library is an online library. Its construction has not been completed yet fully. When it will be started with its full bloom, students, as well as other registered people of this university, will be able to issue books from the library through online, and also can read the books. It is being developed day by day.

The teachers are well educated having a good art of presentation. They are also very much amicable and have love and affection for the students. The curriculum of the university is ha igh standard. Different occasions are celebrated with a great festivity. Teachers and students of this university are very united.

     Department of Pharmacy

NSTU is always ready to cope up with the new challenges of any scientific revolution. In this university, Pharmacy is such a department through which a number of honest, sincere, and innovative pharmacists are introduced every year to develop the country’s economical condition manifold. The department has recently got accreditation from the Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh. Now, only the B. Pharm. (Honours) course is provided by this department. Very soon Masters of Pharmacy course will be opened.
At present, the department consists of enough teachers and about 200 students. The syllabus of this department is so standard that if any student can follow it carefully, he/she will be a good pharmacist with a very good knowledge.

The laboratories of this department are well equipped. It consists of- Organic Lab, Inorganic Lab, Physical Pharmacy Lab, Physiology Lab, Microbiology Lab, Pharmacology Lab, Pharmaceutical Technology Lab,  Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Control Lab, and Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics Lab.

There is a seminar library named ‘Mahboob Memorial Seminar Library’, which is named on Shahid Mahboob who was a student of this department and died because of an incident. This library is well furnished, and consists of many books, which are enough for the students of this department.

Besides, two students of this department, Fahad Hussain (session 2005-06) and Syed Masudur Rahman Dewan (session 2007-08), had taken necessary steps to open an digital library under ‘Club Pharmacy, NSTU’. Then it will be the most reliable e-library of NSTU for pharmacy students. Here, the students get opportunities to take e-books, e-notes, or e-lectures of different universities on various subjects through CDs or DVDs. It will be very much helpful for the students to prepare notes and to realize the topics easily and more clearly. Day by day it will be developed. The Club pharmacy not only provide e-materials but also organize important seminars, quiz competition as well as various workshops. In fine, it will be a type of information retrieval system.

The department has enough classrooms those are equipped with modern multimedia projectors through which teachers can demonstrate their lessons in an effective way.

The department of Pharmacy of NSTU is not only busy with its academic activities, rather it arranges picnic every year in different places, class parties, and different types of games. Presently, the department is the runner up team in the inter department football championship competition.

By the way, very soon, the department is going to establish a garden of medicinal plants. This will contribute the country through the invention of new important medicines.

University is the highest stage of education. It should be located at an isolated but well- communicated area. NSTU is located in such a place. Every year number of meritorious students from different areas of the home and abroad come to get admitted in this university. In near future obviously, NSTU will take part in economical progress besides nation building.

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