Recommended Drugs to Undergo Incineration Process

November 12, 2020
3 mins read

Contributing factors such as the excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and burned fossil fuels wounds the earth at large. Highly dangerous pollutants from agricultural runoffs, industrial junks, and even pharmaceutical waste can decrease human life expectancy by three years. 

Pharmaceutical Pollution

This type of pollution is practically a form of water pollution. Improper disposal of pharmaceutical waste can further adulterate our water sources such as rivers, streams, and lakes.

A study carried out in the United States of America in June 2018 reveals that pharmaceutical waste indeed renders the country’s percentage of wastewater.

Drug manufacturing facilities and distributing establishments like a drug store are accountable for the environmental pollution inflicted by pharmaceutical waste.

Incineration Process

For the record, the incineration process is the latest scientifically-substantiated procedure to bust chemical bonds in different drugs we can buy at local pharmacies. Of course, this process is developed to secure its prime objective—to lessen global waste volume.

Compared to barrel burning, incinerators are extra respectful of the environment. The heat generated out of the process can be converted into electricity. Waste-to-energy technologies such as incinerators promise renewable sources we can rely on.

Simultaneously, landfills only save half a ton of carbon dioxide for every one ton of waste. Meanwhile, incinerators commit to reducing one ton of carbon dioxide per ton of waste. Ultimately, incinerators champion the environment compared to any other existing methods in drug waste management.

Public health and safety are also emphasized in this process. Drugs that are already burned are considered non-retrievable to preclude reprocessing and recirculation among users.

Drug Take-Back Program

Prescription drugs that are expired or unused can be sent back to approved pharmacies. Potentially and commonly abused drugs such as sedatives and narcotic painkillers should be taken back into the acknowledged drug take-back outlets to prevent recycling.

Prescription drugs are medicines endorsed by a healthcare professional. Taking non-prescribed drugs can cause allergic reactions and kidney dysfunction.

Apart from that, giving out prescription drugs to others is a criminal offense. You can take non-prescribed drugs at your own risk. But because it compromises public health and safety, distributing and repossessing it are absolutely against the law.

Medications for Incineration Process

Over-the-counter and prescription medicines should be taken and disposed of with uttermost accountability. If you are new to the concept of drug take-back programs, check out below the itemized medicines that you can return to your local pharmacies.


Depressants come in the form of liquids and multicolored tablets. The common name for this type of drug is “downer”. These drugs are administered to appease psychiatric disorders. Besides, these are also taken as sedatives and sleeping pills.

Fundamentally, depressants decelerate brain function. If taken in a higher dose, paranoia and memory impairment could manifest. Withdrawal from depressants could be fatal. You can get hallucinations and extreme convulsions as withdrawal symptoms.

Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are two central prescription depressants available in pharmacies. If it is taken without a prescription, adverse effects such as anxieties and random panic attacks can occur.


Stimulants are the complete opposite of depressants. If the depressants are called “downers”, stimulants are branded as “uppers”. This type of drug poses identical health effects with the depressants.

Amphetamines and methylphenidates are depressants you can avail in the pharmacies with your doctor’s prescription, of course. To keep it from being reused, you can have mail-back programs or on-site collection outlets.

As an alternative, you can safely dispose of it at home by removing all the medicines from its packaging and having it sealed in a ziplock bag.

Take note to rub out all personal information indicated on the label before having it segregated. The same goes for depressants—you can also have it discarded in your household trash bag if you follow these instructions.

Pain relievers

You can have over-the-counter purchase of painkillers. On the flip side, your healthcare provider should advise and regulate your intake since it could lead to health complications if expended irresponsibly.

Sure thing, painkillers soothe sore muscles, headaches, and other pains and pangs. On the other hand, unrestrained use of this drug could induce drug dependence and addiction if taken without a pain specialist’s direction of use.

Pet Medicines

The vet’s prescription for our companion animals can be as perilous as human medications to both humans and our pets. The incautious disposal of drugs could victimize even the wildlife. As already pointed out, disposing of medicines to water systems could instigate water pollution and jeopardize marine animals.

You can consult your veterinarian and physician so they can advise you on the acknowledged pharmaceutical disposal sites in your city.


Primarily endorsed as an antipsychotic drug, tranquilizers have become one of the most abused medication forms around the globe. Teens who would use these as remedies to momentary distresses and anxieties are taking these without proper prescription.

Therefore, flushing it to the toilet is the easiest way to retreat from an illegal offense. Well, the end destination of these drug substances is our water sources. At some point in the future, we will be scarce of reservoirs, and life would be unlikely to be sustained.


Comparatively, the incineration method is far more enhanced than any existing medication disposal procedure. Aside from exponentially decreasing waste quantity on a global scale, it also restrains furtherance of water pollution. As it generates electricity through waste-to-energy technology, waste incinerators also stretch the life expectancy of humans.

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