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BENEO’s galenIQ™ 721 filler-binder

To improve the taste and stability of effervescent tablets and powders, BENEO presents galenIQ™ 721. This filler-binder enables pharmaceutical and nutraceutical manufacturers
October 16, 2021

BENEO’s galenIQ™ 721 filler-binder optimizes the production of fizzy tablets and powders

Mannheim (Germany), To improve the taste and stability of effervescenttablets and powders, BENEO presents galenIQ™ 721. This filler-binder enablespharmaceutical and nutraceutical manufacturers to target consumers that have difficultyswallowing standard tablets. As a non-hygroscopic, water-soluble and directly compressibleexcipient, galenIQ™ 721 also provides high content uniformity
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