Spirits are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile substances. Generally, the alcoholic concentration of spirits is rather high, usually over 60%. Because of the greater solubility of aromatic or volatile substances in alcohol than in water, spirits can contain a greater concentration of these materials
MoreMolecularity is the number of molecules involved in forming the product. This follows from the balanced (stoichiometric) equation describing the
MoreAerosols are colloidal dispersions of liquids or solids in gases. In general, mists and fogs possess liquid disperse phases whereas
MoreA foam is a coarse dispersion of a gas in a liquid which is present as thin films or lamellae
MoreAn emulsion is a system consisting of two immiscible liquid phases, one of which is dispersed throughout the other in the form
MoreA pharmaceutical suspension is a coarse dispersion in which insoluble particles, generally greater than 1 µm in diameter, are dispersed
MoreDefinition of Journal Impact Factor Identifies the frequency with which an average article from a journal is cited in a
MoreBioavailability means the rate and extent to which the active ingredient or active moiety is absorbed from a drug product
MoreBioequivalence Requirement A requirement imposed by the FDA for in-vitro and/or in-vivo testing of specified drug products, which must be
MorePharmaceutical Equivalents Drug products in identical dosage forms that contain the same active ingredient(s), ie, the same salt or ester,
MoreA multisource drug product is a drug product that contains the same active drug substance in the same dosage form